Safe Care From The Emergency Room. 


Will I get COVID-19 if I go to the Emergency Room?

At the Oneida Health Emergency Room, it’s very unlikely. Understandably, plenty of people are having concerns about going to the Emergency Room during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nationally and locally the messaging has been consistent: “If you think you have COVID-19, call your doctor. Don’t go to the Emergency Room or an Urgent Care Center.” This messaging is being heard. At Oneida Health we are seeing very few COVID-19 positive patients in our Emergency Room, especially of late. Check our 30 day stats by clicking here.

The majority of COVID-19 patients in Madison County have been outpatients and have never been seen at our ED or admitted to the hospital. Most are tested at our drive-thru testing center or an alternative testing location after a referral from their primary care physician and the majority of positive patients have been quarantined at home until it passes.


Is it safe to put off my
Emergency Room visit?

No – putting off emergency care can have life-threatening consequences. Across the county, people are delaying care to a dangerous degree.

In New York City, the FDNY reported a 400% spike in cardiac arrest deaths at home during the pandemic – tragedies that in many case could have been avoided with a trip to the emergency room.

The fear of contracting the virus is understandable, but avoiding the ED can have deadly consequences. More than ever, it’s important to know the signs of a true emergency, and when you need to act.

Chances are, if you think you need emergency care, you probably do. Doctors would rather rule out false alarms than miss the chance to provide lifesaving care. Don’t hesitate. Receiving timely care at the ED can be the difference between a successful recovery or a life changing event — or worse. For more information on when to visit the emergency room, click here.


Safety In Numbers 

Review our 30-Day Statistics on COVID-19 at Oneida Health Hospital and Emergency Department.
Updated 7/6/21


Number of COVID-19 Positive Patients seen in the past 30 days in the ED


Percent of Patients seen in the ED in the past 30 days who were COVID-19 Positive

If you think you need emergency care, you probably do. Doctors would rather rule out false alarms than miss the chance to provide lifesaving care. Don’t hesitate. Receiving timely care at the ED can be the difference between a successful recovery or a life changing event — or worse.

– Kirby Black, MD, FACEP
Emergency Room Medical Director


When a medical emergency strikes, the emergency department is a safe place to go. 

The tools and policies in place at Oneida Health make our ED safe. Don’t let fear get in the way of receiving the emergency treatment you need. Our entire organization is focused on keeping you healthy and safe. Treat yourself well by seeking care as soon as necessary. To learn more about our safety measures, please click here.